In this article, we are going to create some entities within our Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement instance to store the progress (and particularly the failures) of the population of our Azure Search index. First, log into your Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement instance after which you should see this:
Next, click on the drop down arrow next to ‘Sales’ and navigate to the ‘Settings’ menu item and then select ‘Solutions’ as follows:
Here, you should have a solution called ‘KylieBot’ or similar from where we have been making our changes to our Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement instance. The original solution came from this blog post. Your screen should look like this:
Next, double click on the solution to open it like this:
Select the ‘Entities’ element from the menu structure on the left and you should then see this:
Click on ‘New’ to create a new entity and fill out the details as follows:
Click on the save icon in the top left-hand corner of the screen and once the save has completed, click on the ‘Forms’ option of the left hand menu structure and you should see this:
Double click on the first ‘Information’ form as you will notice it has a ‘Form Type’ of ‘Main’. You should then see this:
We are going to need to add several fields to this form to make it meaningful. You can do this by clicking on the ‘New Field’ button in the bottom right hand side of the screen. The form the pops up should look like this:
The fields we are going to make with their field types are as follows:
Index – Single Line of Text
HTTP Status Code – Whole Number
Source - Single Line of Text
Once created, you will need to drag and drop the fields onto your form. Your completed form should look like this:
To complete the changes, click on the ‘Save’ button in the top left-hand side of the screen. Once the save action has completed, click on the ‘Publish’ option which is also in the top left-hand corner of the screen. Once this action has completed, we are all done, so click on the ‘Save and Close’ menu option in the top left-hand corner of the screen and then you should be returned top this screen:
Here, you can also click on the ‘Save and Close’ option in the top left hand corner and you should then be returned to this screen:
On last thing to do, is to add some fields to the Knowledge Article entity that already exists in the system. To do this, click on the ‘Add Existing’ button and then select the Knowledge Article entity like this:
Next click on ‘OK’ and then you should be presented with the following:
Select the ‘KnowledgeArticle’ Main form and click on the ‘Finish’ button to confirm:
Navigate to the form we have just included like we did above and add the following fields:
Once added and dragged onto the form like this:
Save, and publish form like we did above. Next, click on the ‘Information’ menu item from the left hand side menu and you should be presented with the following:
Update the version number of the solution and then you can save and close the solution to complete the process. The completed solution is available here.
Good job. Lookout for the next post which will detail the process of populating the index with content.